Why go to Turkey in December?

Do you want to see Turkey from a new angle, and not from the beach line? Go to this amazing country in December. Winter holidays in the Turkish expanses are not beaches, because the season has long ended, but leisurely walks along the embankment, spa treatments, affordable ski holidays, relaxing time at the hotel and very attractive prices. Many entertainments are closed at this time. However, some of them are available to guests all year round. Independent organization of the […]

Types of tourism

Currently, there are quite a few classifications of tourism. Depending on the factors underlying it, it is divided into the following types:

1) by orientation – to international (consists of entry and exit) and domestic;

2) by nature – organized and active;

3) by time duration – short-term and long-term (from one-day to multi-day);

4) according to the range of movement – near and far;

5) according to the number of tourists – collective (group) and individual;

6) according to the method of transportation – pedestrian, […]

Economic factors of tourism development


The industrial era, in which material well-being was the main value, is being replaced by the post-industrial era, where impressions and sensations are the main goal. The development of transport, communications, increasing mobility, urbanization, reduction of working hours, and the growth of social wealth have become important factors affecting the development of tourism.

In these conditions, the socio-economic position of tourism is rapidly strengthening.

Its share in world trade in services is more than 30%. In the world market, the tourist product […]

History of sports tourism


Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in the USSR, as a sport, was included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification1 in 1949.

When assigning sports categories and the title of master of sports, the number and complexity of completed hikes, as well as […]

Types of sports tourism

Sports tourism varies by type:

hiking — travel on a tourist route is carried out mainly on foot. The main task is to overcome terrain obstacles on foot, for high difficulty categories – in areas with difficult terrain and climatic conditions.

ski tourism — travel on a tourist route is carried out mainly on skis.

The main task is to overcome terrain obstacles on snow and snow-ice cover on skis, for high difficulty categories – in harsh climatic zones and in mountainous terrain.

mountain […]