Sports tourism varies by type:

hiking — travel on a tourist route is carried out mainly on foot. The main task is to overcome terrain obstacles on foot, for high difficulty categories – in areas with difficult terrain and climatic conditions.

ski tourism — travel on a tourist route is carried out mainly on skis.

The main task is to overcome terrain obstacles on snow and snow-ice cover on skis, for high difficulty categories – in harsh climatic zones and in mountainous terrain.

mountain tourism — hiking in the highlands. The main task is the passage of mountain passes, climbing to the peaks, traverses of mountain ranges.

water tourism — rafting on rivers by means of rafting (ships), usually in mountainous areas. The main task is to pass water obstacles formed by the relief of the riverbed and the peculiarities of its flow.

speleotourism — traveling through underground cavities (caves, cave systems, including partially flooded with water). The main task is to overcome the structural obstacles encountered in the caves.

sailing tourism — traveling by ships under sail on the sea or the waters of large lakes. The main task is to implement the ship’s cruise plan in accordance with the rules of navigation in inland waters and in the open sea.

on vehicles — a section that includes bicycle tourism, equestrian tourism and auto-moto tourism. The main task is to overcome relief and landscape obstacles on a long route (roads and trails with different terrain and coverage, up to roads on the verge of drivability, tourist, cattle trails and animal migration trails, fords and crossings, mountain passes, traverses, etc.) in difficult conditions, usually in mountainous or difficult in terms of climate and terrain of highly rugged terrain.